Everyschool.com is sponsored by the Campus Alliance, a partnership of organizations, churches, students and youth leaders that share the mission of reaching out to every high school and middle school student. Learn more about these organizations and the resources they offer by clicking on their logo.
WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THIS MOVEMENT TO REACH EVERY STUDENT! As youth ministry leaders we can touch the lives of millions of teens with the Gospel of Christ and build disciples.
Three ministry keys to doing this…
- Determine what ministry shifts you need to make this fall to connect with students, share the gospel and build disciples.
- In light of these shifts, decide on what action you can take this fall to pray, care and share the gospel.
- Plan to do something special through your ministry to share Christ with students during the 20in20 initiative (October 12-31) using your best practices.
Wherever COVID-19 and the culture takes us with ministry shifts, will you resolve with us to do something special to reach out to students this fall and into 2021?